Shy Bladder Workshop Schedule
Live, in-person workshops and virtual workshops continue! Please check back here often for new dates. To get on the “I’m Interested” list for the next Virtual Workshop (if the current date is not a fit) or to let us know where you suggest we should hold a live workshop, click here to fill out the Contact the IPA form.
Click here for information on: What Happens at a Workshop. See also information about our previous Women’s Workshops. Want to meet a leader in advance? You’ll find videos from our workshop leaders under their entries on the Shy Bladder Center page.
Click on the “Registration Now Open!” link in the table to be redirected to the registration tool powered by CharityEngine. Remember: we MUST have at least 5 registrations one month out for live events to be marked a “go!” Virtual workshops we need 10 the Wednesday prior. Don’t wait to register. 100% Money Back Guarantee if we cancel due to not making our minimum.
Cancellation Policy
If you cancel more than one month prior to a workshop, you are entitled to a full refund. If you cancel less than one month prior to a workshop already marked as a “go”, and we drop below our five-person minimum for that event, a refund of 50% will only be offered if the workshop is still held. Alterations to this policy are at the discretion of the executive director.
Read the Book
The Secret Social Phobia: Shy Bladder Syndrome (Paruresis)
By S. Soifer, G. Zgourides, J. Himle, & N. O’Brien (IPA, Inc. 2020)
The definitive book on shy bladder syndrome and what happens during a workshop.
Click the image to learn more.
It’s available on Kindle, in paperback, and in multiple translations!
P.O. Box 21237
Catonsville, MD 21228
You Are Not Alone.
There Is Help For You!
Shy Bladder, Bashful Bladder, Pee Shy
Monday - Friday
10:00am - 6:00pm (ET)
844-I-CANT-PEE (422-6873)
443-315-5250 Office
This website is NOT a substitute for medical or legal advice and does not constitute the practice of law, medicine, psychiatry, clinical psychology, clinical social work, or any other mental health profession. If you are having trouble urinating, you should always contact a physician since difficulty with voiding can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. We are a group of professional people and people who have suffered with paruresis. We have assembled a board and a board of advisors to help people cope with urinary dysfunction that has a psychological or social origin. On this website, we are NOT practicing medicine, psychiatry, clinical psychology, clinical social work or any other mental health profession. You should have your doctor evaluate your condition before diagnosing yourself, and seek the appropriate necessary mental health counseling if warranted. IPA, Inc. disclaims any and all legal liability whatsoever.