844-I-CANT-PEE (422-6873) getinfo@paruresis.org

My Successful Road to Recovery

My Successful Road to Recovery Submitted 01-23-2005 [Originally posted the IPA’s now retired community forum “IPATalk”] My successful road to recovery…… liverowe While not yet completed, I am almost free of the entrapment that ruled my life just several years ago. I...

Especially for Women

Especially for Women Especially For the Women on the BoardSubmitted 11-09-2004 [Originally posted on the now retired community board IPATalk] Success Story! Especially for the women on the Board Carololmert@aol.com Folks, I just returned from a diagnostic lab where I...

One Year Since

One Year Since One Year Since…Telling others…Self Acceptance…and Success Submitted 08-22-2004 –BradK Just got back from my annual one week family fishing trip in northern Minnesota, parents, sister, brother, brother-in-law, wife, daughter, etc. – 11 of us in 3 cabins....

Successful Recovery

Successful Recovery Successful Recovery Especially for New Posters Submitted 03-19-2004Richard – successful-Wed Mar 10 When I first started web based discussion of paruresis, RECOVERY was unheard of. Now, we daily hear from posters who have made great progress and...

Cured Just By Knowing IPA EXISTS

Cured Just By Knowing IPA EXISTS A couple of weeks ago (Nov 16) I was browsing and thought to plug in “urine problems” and see what happens. Lo and behold I found paruresis. I really had no idea it was so widespread and no idea it was so well documented. I’ve been...