When will fair drug testing be available to all?

When will fair drug testing be available to all? When will fair drug testing be available to all? True story. The IPA was contacted by a municipal worker who is an eight year employee with a clean employment record. He’s always had difficulty with providing annual...

Drug Testing Reform

Drug Testing Reform The International Paruresis Association is involved in advocating for the rights of people with paruresis who have been unfairly discriminated against in drug testing.  Such discrimination may happen in cases of applying for a job, keeping an...

Drug Testing in the Media

Drug Testing in the Media Background IPA officers have long been aware of the tremendous impact of urine based drug tests on the lives of IPA members. Indeed, the paruresis population faced the “perfect storm” when President Nixon started drug testing returning Viet...

Drug Treatments for Paruresis Information

Drug Treatments for Paruresis Introduction Current theory about paruresis indicates it includes a psychological inhibition about voiding that may lead to dysfunctional control of the bladder and its sphincters. If drugs can help, they will work in one of two ways: 1)...

Top 5 Shy Bladder Facts

5 Facts About Shy Bladder Sydrome (Paruresis) The technical term for Shy Bladder Syndrome is Paruresis (“par-you-ree-sis”). Fact 1: Paruresis is a social anxiety disorder. Those who suffer from it are fearful of using the bathroom to urinate if other...